School Teardrop Flags

Edusign provide SAME DAY artwork and proofs to all schools free of charge


The Edusign Range of Teardrop & Feather Banners

Edusign have four banner shapes to choose from, including Shark, Dolphin, Teardrop and Feather Flags. Able to be fully customised to suit the requirements of your business or product, our banners are a flexible and versatile option. Templates of artwork are available by request to help our clients with design work, and all of our options can be printed single sided or double sided depending on your needs. Our single sided flags are printed onto a high-quality transparent fabric, resulting in a clear reverse image. For those who prefer two sides, our double sided flags are printed on two pieces of fabric with a block out fabric layer in-between to separate each side.

In addition to letting you select the desired shape of your teardrop or feather banner, edusign provides a choice of four bases, suitable for different purposes. Our durable swivel spike bases are fantastic for outdoor use, while our cross base and water bag options are perfect for indoor or outdoor purposes. We can also provide car bases for displaying banners beside cars and wall mounts for wall installation, ensuring we’ll have a solution to suit your company’s needs.

Event Banners

Our premium event banners feature high-quality poles that are height adjustable and great for event shows. Aligning event banners in rows amongst crowds is a great way to guarantee that your sponsors receive maximum exposure. They also help to create a setting and highlight certain areas of the event.

In addition to our teardrop and feather banners, Edusign provide a range of other outdoor displays including A Boards, Street Flags, and Giant Pole Flags.



Flying Banner/Wind Flag


Step 1: Shape – Choose from 4 Shapes including teardrop and feather banners
Step 2: Size — Choose from 4 Sizes
Step 3: Base — Choose from 4 Bases
Step 4: Print — Single Sided or Double Sided
Step 5: Get Template and Send your Artwork

  • Single side print with clear reverse image
  • Quality fabric print
  • Single Sided – Clear reverse image
  • Double Sided – Correct image on both sides


  • 1set of poles
  • 1x base
  • 1x water bag if Cross Base is chosen
  • 1x carry bag
  • 1x flag



Choose your Base

Item Code Item Name Price
B 01 Budget Cross Base (Iron) $35
B 02 Premium Cross Base (Stainless Steel) $65
B 03 Spike Base $35
B 04 Car Base $55
B 05 Heavy Duty Square Base $65
B 06 45° Metal Wall Base $35
B 07 90° Metal Wall Base $35
Water Bag $9

Choose your Shape


Teardrop Feather
Shape Graphic Size
Height (cm) Shape Graphic Size
Height (cm)
teardrop-shape-orange XL: 129×400 500 teardrop-shape-green XL: 63.5×480 600
L: 100×300 400 L: 75×380 500
M: 100×240 340 M: 90×300 400
S: 90×180 250 S: 60×240 300


Dolphin Shark
Shape Graphic Size
Height (cm) Template Shape Graphic Size
Height (cm) Template
teardrop-shape-blue XL: 112×500 550 teardrop-shape-purple XL: 68×550 600
L: 112×400 450 L: 68×450 500
M: 112×300 350 M: 68×350 400
S: 112×200 250



Speak to an Edusign team member today and save!